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Our Team

The SIE CoLab is comprised of a team who came together around a shared set of values.

Founding Board

Board of Directors

We are living in a time of accelerating disruptive change—one characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. Traditional leadership structures will not be enough to build a sustainable world that equally values and connects social, economic, & environmental priorities.

That is why we are proud to introduce our Steward/Changemaker Board of Directors Leadership Team.

By combining the value of experience, wisdom and ability of seasoned leaders (Stewards)
with the talent, creativity, potential, and passion of young professionals (Changemakers),
we have created a leadership structure that is nimble, adaptable, and well- prepared
to innovate for--and navigate--the complex challenges of today and tomorrow.


steward  verb, noun

stew·ard | ˈstü-ərd


the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care

someone who stewards Adaptive Changemakers and Transformers


changemaker noun

change·make·​er | \ chānj- mā′kər


  1. One who takes bold and innovative action in collaboration with others to solve complex social, environmental, and economic problems; is tenacious about the greater good. 

  2. A young professional leader who is advancing the tools and approaches of social innovation and entrepreneurship (SIE) through their careers within the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.

International EARLI Council

Our International EARLI (Early Adopters in Re-Engineering & Leading Innovation) Council

is in a start-up phase. Please check back shortly for additional members of this critical group.

International Advsory board


Our focus is on investing in young leaders to bring about generational changes that lay the foundation for transformative communities: a healthy planet, people who are able to fulfill their true potential, and prosperity that is accessible to everyone.


transformer noun

trans·​form·​er | \ tran(t)s-ˈfȯr-mər


  1. One who seeks awareness, understanding, comprehension, and know-how essential to designing and innovating systems change in form, nature, and function for the better.

  2. A young, emerging student leader in any discipline who is gaining knowledge, theory, and experiential practice through the lens of social innovation and entrepreneurship (SIE).

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Ally Lucile Davis


Arianna Marks

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Cosette Falker


Isabella McLain

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Emma Knight


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